Harriman, Tennessee, Oct. 21, 1925. Hon. John C. Daves, 214 Chamber of Commerce, Baltimore, Md. My dear Mr. Daves:- I do hope you will pardon the delay in replying to your very kind letter of August 24th, but my cousin has been away on his vacation & etc and the delay was unavoidable. I am happy to send you herewith his application for membership in the North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati, and the chart accompanying, which I hope is made out to your satisfaction. Mr. Wright desires the life membership and I will be glad if you will let me know when the fees are payable and the amount, as I would like to let him know. I hope there will be no trouble about the acceptance of this paper for Mr. Wright will make us a good member. Wont you please advise me when you receive these papers, and also tell me whether Col. Peter Dozier (Dauge-Douge) of North Carolina is an eligible ancestor for membership in the N.C. Society? Again thanking you for all your kindnesses in the past, I am with kind regards and best wishes, Cordially yours, C.K. Hill Box 226 CKH/K ================================================== Transcription copyright © RoaneTNHistory.org 2005. All rights reserved. Archivist: Transcription and scan by G. Anne Sloan